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The Democratization of the Classroom in the 21st Century

Session Five: Sunday 12:30pm–2:00pm
Room 304
Matt Baird and Doug Herman
Affiliation: Science Leadership Academy
Conversational Focus/Audience:
High School, Middle School, Elementary School, All School Levels
Conversation Description:

The mission of this workshop is two-fold. First, it revisits one of the principle aims of progressive education- namely to change the flow of information in the classroom from solely one of direct, top-down instruction to an environment in which students participate actively in their learning through the process of inquiry. The natural consequence of this perspective is that the educational authority, and to some extent control, is distributed more democratically in the classroom. Secondly this workshop will present technologies and activities that make this progressive vision more possible in today?s classrooms. This session is not intended to simply be a ?show and tell? review of technology but more importantly a brainstorming and information-sharing workshop to assist participants in the pursuit of making their classrooms increasingly democratic. The facilitators of this session are two current faculty members of SLA.

Conversational Practice:
We are going to be breaking out in work groups for part of this session and through them adding pages to the Wiki for this workshop to create a record of our shared resources and ideas.
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 304 — Channel A


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