Many to Many-- How Entire School Communities Can Collaborate
- When:
- Session One: Saturday 10:00am–11:30am
- Where:
- Room 307
- Who:
- Jim Heynderickx
- Affiliation: Director of Technology, American School in London
- Conversational Focus/Audience:
- All School Levels
- Conversation Description:
Clay Shirky has published and presented on several interesting concepts about how the Internet can enable "many to many" communications and support. He has also noted that technology tools become socially interesting when they become technologically boring. The main idea of this conversation is to discover if his ideas are becoming apparent in our schools, and specific ways that we could foster their growth. In this context, we will also review the problems with type of change, and how some long-term beliefs and structures may need to be reviewed.
- Conversational Practice:
- I'd like this section to have an opening 20-30 minute presentation of the core "many to many" concepts that apply to schools and learning. This presentation should identify two to four core types of change, and offer some examples of tools or processes that facilitate their evolution. The second half of the session should be a conversation, in that all members of the group should share their own examples, concerns and experiences in these areas. The presentation and a summary of the discussion can be published online afterwards.
- Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
- Stream via Elluminate: Room 307 — Channel A