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UDL and the 21st Century Classroom

Session Six: Sunday 2:30pm–4:00pm
Room 207
Lisa Parisi, Karen Janowski, Paul Bogush, Christine Southard
Affiliation: Herricks UFSD
Conversational Focus/Audience:
All School Levels
Conversation Description:

educational practice this weekend, it is imperative that we also

Conversational Practice:
Using the Sharing Best Practices protocol, we will begin with a brief definition of UDL and its basic approach in a classroom, by Karen Janowski. We will then move into a sharing by Lisa Parisi, Christine Southard, and Paul Bogush. These teachers will share a few samples from their own classroom. The participants will then be asked to work in small groups of three or four to discuss ways to incorporate UDL in their own classrooms. The small groups will collaboratively create a Google Doc, Etherpad or other synchronous online document. After the small group discussion, we will connect together as a whole group to share our ideas and hash out any difficulties that may arise from these ideas.
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 207 — Channel B


Alice Yucht Alice Yucht said:

UDL = Universal Design for Learning. see http://www.advocacyinstitute.org/UDL/

Sun 31 Jan 2010 02:03:37 PM EST

I'm not familiar with UDL, and while I'm not working in a classroom currently, this sounds interesting.

Fri 29 Jan 2010 03:45:37 PM EST