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In front/behind the Network

Session Three: Saturday 2:30pm–4:00pm
Room 303
Marcie Hull, Chris Alfano
Affiliation: Science Leadership Academy
Conversational Focus/Audience:
High School, Middle School, Elementary School, All School Levels
Conversation Description:

Why we attend school, what we accomplish while we are here, how we spend our time these are the issues I would like to investigate as we consider how to make school more about meaningful and enriching life experiences, and less like hoop jumping and necessary evils.

Conversational Practice:
That is up to the audience. If they want a wiki we will give them one, or I can just blog about the session. We could make a ning... and so on
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 303 — Channel A


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