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Field Guide for Change Agents

Session Two: Saturday 12:30pm–2:00pm
Room 309
Rodd Lucier and Ben Hazzard
Affiliation: London District Catholic School Board (London, Ontario, Canada)
Conversational Focus/Audience:
All School Levels
Conversation Description:

Main idea: Change agents need to build trusting relationships with colleagues and clients in order to bring about effective and lasting change in our schools. Questions to consider: Which characteristics of change agents are most appealing to teachers and students? Which characteristics are most frightening? What is at stake if change agents fail to engage others in discussions about effective change? How do change agents build relationships with leaders within schools, school boards, and beyond? How might these relationships with like-minded colleagues enhance the practices within classrooms? What are the most effective strategies that lead to lasting dialogue with professional colleagues? How can we ensure professional discourse effectively considers the diverse voices of students, parents, and teachers?

Conversational Practice:
Following a brief overview, this session will engage participants in active practice by leading participants to consider key questions both individually, and within groups. A list of resulting strategies will be developed and shared by way of a session wiki. Participants engaged in the session online, will also have opportunities to contribute their ideas.
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 309 — Channel B


Sue Hellman Sue Hellman said:

This was the most interactive of all the sessions. Canucks rock!

Sun 31 Jan 2010 10:45:16 PM EST