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Taking Play Seriously

Session Five: Sunday 12:30pm–2:00pm
Room 204
Brian C. Smith
Affiliation: Monroe #1 BOCES
Conversational Focus/Audience:
Elementary School
Conversation Description:

Diane Ackerman's quote, "play is the brain's favorite way of learning" is oft used to describe the learning that takes place in elementary schools. Despite that belief, a simple visit to any school in the country will reveal a picture that flies in the face of Ackerman's statement. We know why play is being squeezed out of schools, but bringing it back will take creative thinking, ideas and sharing. Together we will discuss and construct ideas for bringing the aspects of play into more learning experiences.

Conversational Practice:
An experience of playful learning (PicoCrickets) will be described leading to small group sharing of similar learning experiences as well as collaborative construction of an online resource.
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 204 — Channel A


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