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Scheduled Conversations

Your search found 8 meetup(s):

Calling all Librarians!!

Would LOVE to get together with other librarians attending...for book talk, tech talk anything you want talk!! Let me know whether lunch or dinner works for you all...and then we'll decide on a time and place. Thanks!

advis plp2

ADVIS PLP2 cohort - f2f for lunch. we can share our ideas for our learning contract that we will be posting today!

Second Life Meets Real Life Dinner

We're planning a dinner meetup before the event on Friday. Contact @ejulez for more information. Stay tuned here for more details. Right now we're shooting for a 4pm meet time.

Developers' nerd-fest

Caffeine and code

Friday Morning Run

Want to join Erin Garvey and Caitlin Thompson, SLA math teachers, on an early running tour around the city? Meet at 6:50am Friday outside the 22nd st SLA doors. Pace will be ~6mph and run will go until ~7:30am.

Breakfast on Friday

A bunch of us will be meeting for breakfast on Friday morning at 8:30am at Con Murphy's restaurant (located inside the Windsor) before we head off to SLA and other activities. Feel free to stop by and join us! Attendees so far: @spedteacher @hadleyjf @mbteach @aleaness @mwacker and maybe @geraldaungst @aforgrave @jasonmkern @bethstill

Thursday Late Dinner

A group of us are planning on going to the Mexican Post around 8:30 for dinner. It is just down the street from the Windsor. Please join us. So far @bethstill @oswego98 @kyteacher @spedteacher @mbteach are going. Cross-listed here: http://educon22.wikispaces.com/MeetUps

Saturday Night

If Rembrandts is packed, there are a bunch of other restaurants near by: London Grill -- 23rd and Fairmount Ave. Urban Saloon -- 21st and Fairmount Ave. Lucky Sevens -- 25th and Aspen St.