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Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd: Collaborative Action Plans

Session Six: Sunday 2:30pm–4:00pm
Room 204
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
Affiliation: 21st Century Collaborative
Conversational Focus/Audience:
All School Levels
Conversation Description:

If using Web 2.0 tools is so easy, why is implementation so difficult? Preparing students for the 21st Century calls for collective action of all stakeholders and this session looks at the steps needed to build momentum and garner buy-in from the entire school community. Participants will discuss ways to plan collectively and strategically for the future, develop a collective professional development plan for 21st Century skill building, and make sure all students have equitable access to a 21st century education.

Conversational Practice:
This will be a fast paced, facilitated session that will result in a collaborative action plan that truly leverages the wisdom of those in attendance. The goal of the session is two-fold: 1) to develop and capture a synthesis of thinking around- barriers to the shift, proactive solutions for overcoming the barriers, and development of specific, measurable action statements that can be implemented in your local context. 2) to model a protocol that can be used to garner buy-in at your school or district for managing change.
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Stream via Elluminate: Room 204 — Channel B


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