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Now what?

Session Four: Sunday 10:30am–12:00pm
Room 211
Jeremiah Patterson
Affiliation: Riverdale School District, Portland, OR
Conversational Focus/Audience:
All School Levels
Conversation Description:

The first year, leaving Philadelphia, I found that I was stuck — unsure how to put my new learning to use, excited to put my new network into action. Last year, unwilling to repeat that part of the experience, I resolved to create an action plan for how I would leverage my conversations into real reform in my "home" context. This session is designed to lead EduCon participants through a series of conversations designed to spark the seeds of actionable reform once the plane lands back home.

Conversational Practice:
We will be revisiting sessions from the last two years that seeded inspiration with an eye to capturing real possibilities that apply across a wide spectrum.
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 211 — Channel B


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