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Beyond Standards; The Road Ahead

Session Five: Sunday 12:30pm–2:00pm
Room 207
Joseph J. Bires
Affiliation: Haddonfield School District
Conversational Focus/Audience:
All School Levels
Conversation Description:

The current focus on standards is misguided and will result in students prepared for yesterday's world, rather than ready to create tomorrow. In this presentation, we will explore alternative concepts from other fields for organizing teaching and learning that will allow students to solve problems which they will face now and in the future. The participants will also reconsider literacy as a singular, rather than a plural concept (ie media literacy, print literacy, etc.) in support of this problem solving. The participants will also discuss how to practically overcome the

Conversational Practice:
A small short selection of readings will be posted on my blog which participants can read and discuss prior to my session to give all the participants a common frame of reference. The actual conversation will follow the What? So What? Now What? Framework. What is the movement toward universal standards doing to teaching and learning in your situation? - Small Group Discussion So What does that mean for preparing students to solve problems now and in the future (what best practices exist outside of education that we can apply to this problem)?
Elluminate Rooms ( instructions for launching Elluminate )
Stream via Elluminate: Room 207 — Channel A


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